For our Hawthorne, Luning, Mina, and surrounding area clients, we are now coming into Hawthorne on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. For the following months in 2024, we will only be in Hawthorne one day each: September (the 25th), November (the 13th), and December (the 11th).
Address: 415D 8th Street, Hawthorne, NV 89415
Large Animal Ranch Calls
Hours: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Small Animal Clinic
Hours: 12:00pm – 5:30pm

Because of the increased demand for our services, we have to limit how long the clinic will be open and the types of services we can offer. This will limit how many clients/pets we can see. If your pet is sick (vomiting or having diarrhea), may need blood work or x-rays please contact the Fallon clinic, call or text 775-423-7528 to make an appointment.
To confirm a place in line, we recommend you drop by the Hawthorn clinic on the days we are open (between noon and 1:00 pm) and “sign-in”. You will be required to fill out a form that includes all your information, name, address, phone number, etc. as well as your pet’s information. Please make clear on the form the purpose of your visit. If your pet needs vaccinations or boosters, please be clear on what vaccines you are requesting, same with medications. If you are not sure which shots are needed, contact the office in Fallon, call or text 775-423-7528 to find out what your pet is requiring. We do not have that information at our disposal. Once you are checked in, we can give you an estimate as to your wait time. If we can see your pet right away, we will accommodate you right away. Be aware, however, it’s not unusual to have several people ahead of you. Because we have all clients wait outside or in their car, if the wait will be excessive, we will have you return home and we will call you when your turn is getting close. This system works well as long as you answer your phone when we call you back. If you do not, your appointment will go to the next person in line and you will have to either go to the Fallon clinic or reschedule for the following visit. Most Wednesdays, we will see 40 or more patients as such we do have to manage our time. If we find that we will be going past our 5:30 pm closing time, we will finish all those that have checked in and will see no more. We will however, start a new list for the next scheduled clinic and you will be first in line to bring your pet in.
Keep in mind that if we cannot accommodate you in Hawthorne, you can call our Fallon office and have your pet seen there.